206 Days to Go!
Wedding planning is in full swing! While it is an overall enjoyable process, I am finding it hard to fit in between my work and travel schedule. Over the last few weeks I have squeezed in meetings with 3 florists and attended 2 cake tastings. The cake tastings were great. Who wouldn't love to eat cake? I have 2 cake quotes so far and I was pleasently surprised that both came in under my projected budget! We have one more cake tasting scheduled for March 13 and after that we will make our selection.
Contrary to the pleasant experiences I had with cake tasting...florist appointments were a different story. The first two florists I met with were very nice and obviously did great work, however they were giving me quotes that were double and almost triple my budget. Who spends $8k on wedding flowers?!?! Needless to say the florist appointments were off to a bad start and I was feeling discouraged that I would have to really compromise what I had envisioned for flowers. After discussing my frustration with my planner (Samantha Darr) she suggested one more florist for me to visit, and this time she came along. What a difference that made. The last florist (Dream Bouquet) that I met with was great, she was very organized and really made an effort to stay within my desired budget. I am excited that I can check this off the list. I am also excited about the flowers and arrangements I will have!
Ed and I also had our engagement photo session on February 15 with our photographer Steve Lee. That was so much fun, we go to go around and be "models"! We took the photos at Hotel Zaza and around the Hermann Park area. I love the photos and am excited about the bridal and wedding day photos as well! Steve was great! I have posted a few of my favorites as well as a couple of additional planning process pictures.
One other bit of exciting news...I sold my townhome. I am scheduled to close on March 15!! That means Ed and I can finally enjoy life with two incomes and only one mortgage! This is such a relief and comes just in time for more wedding planning!